If you are in the Air Guard, not in AGR status, and want to attend college, you'd better hope your State has a robust tuition assistance program, because there is no money for federal tuition assistance like the Army Guard has. This issue has been on the to-do list for your association for several...
Congress occasionally considers legislation that adds money for specific reasons outside of regular appropriations acts and usually after the fiscal...
Miltary Association Support - Chief's letter 2017Â :Â the new CNGB memo with valuable information about military-related associations and the level of...
Nominations for the 2016 Military Child of the Year® are being accepted online at www.militarychildoftheyear.org  through Dec. 11. Awardees will be recognized in April 2016. This award is presented...
This survey being conducted so our National Military Leaders can be informed on your thoughts and concerns regarding the developing discussion around more training days for the Reserve Components...
Over 400,000 military households’ DEERS records do not have all their families’ social security numbers. If they don’t add them before January they could owe fines through the IRS due to...
From the Tricare Website:Â http://www.tricare.mil/rxnewrules090115 Starting October 1, 2015, a new law requires all TRICARE beneficiaries, except active duty service members, to get select brand...
Here are several ancillary Department of Veterans Affairs 2015 programs some veterans may not be aware of: (1) Aid and Attendance (www.benefits.va.gov/pension/aid_attendance_housebound.asp ) —...