We receive a lot of questions as to whether it is proper to talk about professional associations during drill or in meetings. We asked NGB for a little help, and this is what they provided:“As a general rule, membership in these organizations in a personal capacity is...
Grow your business
On Giving Tuesday – Give the gift of helping other National Guard members
GIVING TUESDAY - GIVE THE GIFT OF HELPING OTHERS! Giving Tuesday is right around the corner! Created in 2012, it's a day that encourages people to do good. This year, choose to give back to the Soldiers and Airmen of the National Guard who are struggling to make ends...
GIVE HAPPY with the Combined Federal Campaign
Every year, federal employees and retirees rally to support charities they choose through the Combined Federal Campaign (CFC). It’s amazing to see how giving a little out of each paycheck can add up to so much happiness when we all give together ... and,...
States Rethink Weekend Drills Amid Coronavirus Pandemic
The COVID-19 pandemic is reshaping the American way of life and National Guard bases and armories are not immune. Amid social distancing guidelines and growing infection numbers, officials in each of the 54 states, territories and the District of Columbia are taking...
What jobs are trending right now?
Though the U.S. economy started the year strong, things began to look less optimistic for job seekers as the coronavirus crisis gained momentum. Job postings on ZipRecruiter’s online employment marketplace were on the rise until Feb. 17. Since then, we have seen a 14%...
Recording, Transcribing, Photos, and Sharing of Association Meetings – for FREE
I have been testing out an app called Otter. In a word, it is fantastic, and a huge help to a State Association who wants an easy way to take notes and record their Association/Board meetings. Best of all, the FREE version is all you need. There is a premium...
Suicide is a Threat to Every Person Who Has Served
Suicide among the Veteran community has always been higher than among our civilian counterparts. We have been subjected to hours and hours of powerpoint presentations telling us about our risk factors, but now that we are out and there are no more presentations, where...
Making it Easier for Veterans to Get the Debt Relief They Need
Over the recent years the government has been seeking repayment on $1 billion in student loans from more than 40,000 Troops who are eligible to have had those debts forgiven. Through a program called Total and Permanent Discharge (TPD), these Veterans are all eligible...
Bill would expand VA mental health care to National Guard, Reservists, Coast Guard
August 13, 2019 Press Release The bill would require the Comptroller General to conduct a three-year study of disability and pension benefits provided to the veterans that conducted special missions, served in the National Guard, and on reserve components of the Armed...
CMSAF Wright’s Video message on resiliency
The Pentagon's Defense Suicide Prevention Office released some troubling statistics recently in their fourth-quarter suicide report for CY 2018. A total of 325 active-duty service members died by their hand in 2018, surpassing the previously recorded number of 321 in...
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Sarah Thompson
Business Consultant