2019 State Legislative Priorities

Washington National Guard Conditional Scholarship Program – “Updated” bill is in the house appropriations committee and will be #1 priority in Jan 2020 when the legislative session begins.

  • Current program is funded at $200,000 per biennial and funding dies not support the total force in achieving higher education
  • Proposal to replace the conditional scholarship program with a tuition assistance program that would provide (based on funding) tuition assistance at a Washington State 4-year college/university and 2-year community/technical colleges for up to 100% of tuition in fees

National Guard Wildland Firefighting SAD Pay – PASSED and Signed into Law 19 April 2019 by Gov Inslee

  • RCW 28.24.050 last updated in 1989 and does properly compensate for wildland fire response
  • Working to change RCW to allow the TAG the ability to establish rates by the National Wildfire Coordinating Group subject to approval from the  Office of Financial Management and consistent with Department of Natural Resources

Technical Correction Bill: Clarifying the Armed Forces Exception for giving Notice of Termination and Tenancy  – PASSED and signed into law 12 April 2019 by Gov Inslee

  • Revision needs to be made to provide adequate protections for both Washington State landlords and military service members serving in our state who receives orders to move