Initatives & Resoutions

Initiatives and Resolutions

As a Soldier / Airman in the Washington National Guard, you have the right to suggest an initiative to improve the organization. Your initiative will be reviewed by the NGAW legislative committee, if approved, it will go on to the next level with the support of the Association.

What is an Initiative?
An initiative is a proposal or measure submitted by a Soldier or Airmen for the consideration of the NGAW Association. This introductory act or step begins the process by which the Association may propose as a bill for State Legislation or as a resolution for NGAUS or EANGUS.
Submit Your Initiative

What is a Resolution?
A resolution is a legislative idea that a member or state would like NGAUS/EANGUS to work on with Congress in the next legislative cycle. As a member-based organization, NGAUS/EANGUS annually solicits proposed resolutions from the States aimed at enhancing the National Guard – its equipment, capabilities and the quality of life of its soldiers and airmen and their families.

Resolutions are categorized as Joint, Army, or Air. Army and Air resolutions relate to missions or equipment under the purview of the Army and Air National Guard. Joint resolutions relate to issues involving personnel & benefits, medical, and domestic operations.

What is the Timeline for Resolutions?
Throughout the spring and summer months, members are encouraged to submit draft resolutions for consideration during the state conference. Once a draft resolution passes a state conference, it is sent to NGAUS for consideration at the annual NGAUS conference.
Once the collection of proposed state resolutions is submitted to NGAUS, staff review them and solicit input from three key non-voting stakeholders: the NGAUS Board of Directors, standing NGAUS Task Forces and the National Guard Bureau. Task Force membership is comprised of qualified, National Guard subject matter experts from the six NGAUS geographic areas.

When the NGAUS annual conference convenes, state delegates from each of the 54 states, territories, and the District of Columbia debate and then vote on the draft resolutions.

Once adopted, the resolutions then become standing resolutions, and they are published on the NGAUS website and in booklet form. The Legislative Objectives book is distributed to members of Congress, Congressional defense committees, and Department of Defense officials.

Throughout the year, the resolutions serve as a guide in the formulation of NGAUS’s legislative agenda.

Why Are Initiatives and Resolutions Important?
NGAW is a member-based organization and input from our members is instrumental in determining what direction this organization takes in the next year. We rely on your input to tell us what issues are important.

Our duty is to support the National Guard community by lobbying the Washington State Legislature and United States Congress.

Through face-to-face meetings, letters, emails and phone calls, we make sure that your representatives understand the important issues facing the National Guard today. In order to aid in this effort, we need you to tell us what issues are important to you.

How Can Members Participate?
We can address your concerns only when you let us know what they are. So submit an initiative and work with us to develop the objectives of the Association for the next year.

If you have any questions, please e-mail