2023 Board Election Voters’ Guide

PRESIDENT (Officer only for 2023-25 term)

The President is the face of the organization. The President is both head of the Board of Directors and oversees the Elected and Appointed Association Staff. The President holds overall responsibility of the Association, in both its accomplishments and its failures. The primary duty in overseeing the Association Staff is to establish broad objectives and direction for the organization through general directives to the elected and appointed officers of the Association Staff. As President of the Board of Directors, the Association President presents strategic and annual decisions for consideration and vote. The President serves as the NGAW representative to their respective National Association (NGAUS or EANGUS), distributing national association updates, enhancing the NGAW influence within the national association, and promoting NGAW initiatives at the national level.

Name: Dan Wessman
Current Position: 156th IO Battalion Commander
Prior NGAW Position(s): Vice President (21-23), Director of Development (20-21), NGAW Army Officer Guild Rep (19-20)

Candidate Statement: I believe the Association has done an incredible job of engaging members and driving up interest coming out of the COVID lull. My goal is to maintain all the tremendous energy generated over the past couple years while we refine and formalize our processes to improve our legislative engagement and charitable reach.

VICE PRESIDENT (Enlisted only for 2023-25 term)

The Vice President serves as the Association Chief of Staff. Coordinates the efforts of staff in support of priority initiatives. The VP is responsible for the internal actions of the Association and oversees public relations, legislative actions, and events, including, but not limited to, the State Conference and Professional development activities. The VP is an additional voting member on the Board of Directors with the President and Service Advisors.  The VP serves as the NGAW representative to their respective National Association (NGAUS or EANGUS), distributing national association updates, enhancing the NGAW influence within the national association, and promoting NGAW initiatives at the national level.

Name: Fernando Garcia
Current Position: First Sergeant, G Co 181 BSB
Prior NGAW Position(s): Treasurer 2022-present, representative to EANGUS 2023 Area VI & VII Mid-Winter Conference

Candidate Statement: As the NGAW Vice President, my focus will be to support the Association with outreach programs and legislative initiatives that benefit our National Guard members, as well as continual growth of the Association’s scholarships to support our members and their families.


The Secretary serves as knowledge manager for the organization. Records the minutes of all meetings of the Board, Association Staff, and General Assembly. Prepares meeting agendas in concert with the President and Executive Director. Maintains the association standard operating procedures, bylaws, and other governing documents in coordination with the Executive Director and Communications Manager. Responsible for consolidating evaluation metrics for the Strategic Plan including the key performance indicators and objective measurements. 

Name: Laura Dutton
Current Position: AGR, 898 En Bn
Prior NGAW Position(s): none

Candidate Statement: My goals are to help increase membership and representation in underserved communities, help get visibility on issues related to holistic military member and family health, and work with state leadership to help WA NG strength management issues.


Oversees the management and execution of association funds.  Advises the President on legal and ethical use of funds and ensures the organization does not outspend its means.  Works with the Director of Development to establish fundraising goals.   

Name: Amy Patterson
Current Position: 56th TIOG CSM
Prior NGAW Position(s): None

Candidate Statement: I bring almost 2 decades worth of budgeting, program management, and financial planning experience to help the Board as NGAW looks to expand both its reach and capacity.  With my prior experience as the Treasurer of the Sergeants Major Association I understand the importance of every dollar to a non-profit association and will work to ensure we maximize every cent in our account to achieve successes that benefit the men and women of the Washington National Guard.

Name: Justin Scherer
Current Position: Contracting Officer, 194th Msn Spt Grp
Prior NGAW Position(s): None

Candidate Statement: I have reviewed the bylaws, and I am looking forward to reviewing monthly expenditures and love quartley reports. I work with monies as a contracting officer, and I am super excited in advocating for the WA NG.