2021 JSS Holiday Magic

The Joint Service Support Team and their community partners, including the National Guard Association of Washington, are hosting Holiday Magic on Thursday Dec. 9! This event provides holiday gifts for National Guard, Reserve, & Veteran Families in need.

Registration is MANDATORY for this event, and JSS cannot support those not registered. To register, visit the Holiday Magic Eventbrite page.

Holiday Magic relies on the generosity of our community to provide the gifts for this incredible event. If you would like to help, check out the list below for needed items.  Purchase the items and bring them to the NGAW office in Building 2 by Wed. Dec. 8. If you would rather make a financial donation, you can do so at our NGAW Foundation Donation page.

For more information, contact wafamilyprogramevents@gmail.com.

Wish List

Bikes (boys, girls, all sizes)
Sports equipment (soccer balls, basketballs, baseball & softball gloves, volleyballs)
Remote control cars, trucks, etc
Dress up kits
Nail & makeup kits
Art kits
Creative kits for tween-ages
Science kits
18″ Dolls (similar to American Girl dolls) & accessories
Musical anything (keyboards, guitars, ukuleles, etc)
Baby dolls & Barbie dolls
Anything Star Wars
Legos for kids and tweens

NO stuffed animals please