2021 Board Elections

2021 Elections Timeline:
8 Oct – Nominations open.  Nominations can be submitted thru the form on this site, via e-mail, or by dropping off a completed paper form.
12 NovNominations close
17 Nov – Board review of nominations
1 Dec– Ballots are emailed to current NGAW members and voting begins
15 Dec – Voting concludes


The following positions will be elected for the 2022-2024 term (see duties below):

President (Enlisted only for this term)
Vice President (Officer only for this term)
Director of Member Relations (Officer or Enlisted)
Director of Development (Officer or Enlisted)
Secretary (Officer or Enlisted)
Treasurer (Officer or Enlisted)

Board Member Duties

PRESIDENT (Enlisted only for this term)

  • Provide leadership to the Board of Directors, encouraging the Board’s role in planning, execution, and financial accountability.
  • Chair Board and Executive Committee meetings and work with staff to develop the agenda. Help guide and mediate Board actions with respect to organization priorities and governance concerns.
  • Build a working culture – respect contributions of Board members.
  • Represent the organization, as necessary, at official functions with private and public organizations.
  • Appoint committee chairs in coordination with the bylaws.
  • Establish task forces for specific and focused missions.
  • Render an Annual Report to the members of the annual business meeting/conference.


VICE PRESIDENT (Officer only for this term)

  • Serve as the Chief of Staff of the association.
  • Coordinate the efforts of the staff and committees.
  • Responsible for the coordination and execution of the association business meeting/state conference and professional development activities.
  • Assume the office of President during the absence of the latter, upon the President’s written request.
  • In the event of the resignation, incapacitation or death of the President, the Vice President will assume the office of President and shall hold office until the next annual conference, at which time the voting membership shall elect a replacement for the remainder of the un-expired term, if any.



  • Oversee all member relations activities to include recruitment, retention for both Officer and Enlisted memberships for NGAUS and EANGUS.
  • Responsible for expanding and diversifying membership.
  • Serve as arbiter for membership events and activities to ensure adequate coverage across the state.
  • Oversee the establishment of regional chapters and appoints chapter leadership with support of the executive council.
  • Coordinate efforts of army and air membership chairs.
  • Produces an annual report on membership.



  • Oversee fundraising efforts for the association.
  • Responsible for expanding and diversifying the donor base.
  • Responsible for internal, external, and corporate fundraising activities, working closely with the Treasurer.
  • Develop and oversee the integrated fundraising strategy to accomplish annual funding goals and fostering relationships with donors.
  • Oversee the implementation and management of donor databases.
  • Produce an annual report on fundraising activities.


SECRETARY (Officer or Enlisted)

  • Serve as knowledge manager for the organization.
  • Record the minutes of all meetings of the Board, Association Staff, and general business meeting/conference.
  • Prepare meeting agendas in concert with the President and Executive Director.
  • Maintain the association standard operating procedures, bylaws, and other governing documents in coordination with the Executive Director and Communications Manager.
  • Responsible for consolidating evaluation metrics for the Strategic Plan including the key performance indicators and objective measurements.


TREASURER (Officer or Enlisted)

  • Oversee the management and execution of association funds.
  • Advise the President on legal and ethical use of funds and ensures the organization does not outspend its means.
  • Work with the Director of Development to establish fundraising goals.
  • Provide annual budget to the board for approval.
  • Conduct review of monthly banking reconciliations and payroll operations.
  • Conduct review of quarterly and annual federal taxes.