by | Dec 8, 2016 | National News

December 8, 2016, PHOENIX – Veteran Tickets Foundation (Vet Tix) and the Enlisted Association of the National Guard of the United States (EANGUS) today announced a partnership to support men and women of the Army and Air National Guard by providing a unique opportunity to stay engaged with their communities through free event tickets.

Vet Tix is a non-profit that provides free event tickets to service members, veterans, and Gold Star family members that allow them to attend sporting events, concerts, performing arts and family activities. Since 2008, Vet Tix has provided over 2.5 million free tickets for a small delivery fee.

EANGUS is a non-profit organization that promotes the status, welfare and professionalism of the enlisted members of the National Guard of the United States. Since 1972, EANGUS has worked to increase the voice of enlisted persons in the National Guard at the Pentagon and on Capitol Hill.

The partnership will provide opportunities for Vet Tixers and EANGUS members, furthering their missions to get servicemembers, veterans and military families involved and engaged in their communities. Vet Tixers are able to have a unique experience with their peers through community-based events ranging from sporting events, entertainment concerts and events in the arts.

“The breadth of impact that EANGUS and Vet Tix combined have in the military community is monumental to our mission,” said SGM (Ret.) Frank Yoakum, EANGUS Executive Director. “Our partnership with Vet Tix will provide our deserving members an experience that will encourage them to be involved in their community while creating lasting memories with their families.”

EANGUS has a constituency base of over 414,000 Soldiers and Airmen, including retired and family members. Empowering the welfare of its members has been part of the mission from day one of its founding.

There are over 470,000 Vet Tixers across the United States, including currently serving military and veterans of all eras, as well as Gold Star families.

“Representing all branches and eras of service is something we pride ourselves on at Vet Tix. We are happy to partner with EANGUS and further our mission within the Army and Air National Guard community,” said Navy veteran Mike Focareto, Vet Tix CEO, and Founder. “Strengthening the welfare of Vet Tixers and their families is something that aligns closely with the EANGUS mission and we’re happy to help continue that objective.”

EANGUS members, and all Army and Air National Guard members and veterans, can sign up to become Vet Tixers for free online.



Veteran Tickets Foundation (Vet Tix) is a national 501(c)(3) nonprofit foundation supporting our military community. Vet Tix provides free event tickets to currently serving military, veterans and Gold Star family members to sporting events, concerts, performing arts and family activities. Military and veterans experience many difficult transitions as they reintegrate into their families, communities, and eventually, into civilian life. Attending events improves morale, strengthens family bonds through shared interest and encourages service members to stay engaged with local communities and American life. In gratitude for their service and to support their reintegration, Vet Tix is dedicated to giving back to those who gave so much. Visit to learn more. Follow us on Twitter and Facebook.