Time To Save with TimeToSave.com

by | Aug 28, 2015 | National News

A Time to Save membership is FREE.

TimeToSave.Com is a Corporate Partner of EANGUS

Use Promo Code RFG2015 before the middle of October and receive $10.00 in your new account.

Create an Account by clicking here or view their flyer.

No catch, no strings….just savings, discounts, and building the value of your account for doing online shopping that you would do anyway.

Time to Save is a rapidly expanding social and philanthropic organization committed to helping its members secure their financial future. We provide our members with personal finance information, education, and savings on purchases they make with our partners. The savings is then invested by our members to help them prepare and save for their future.

We are focused on enhancing the quality of life of our members as they age. This is accomplished by fulfilling our members’ needs for an interactive community, information, education and savings options. These benefits allow our members to make “time to save” when preparing for their future.
Time to Save is a free service that features:

  • Savings options to help members plan and save money for their retirement
  • Information sharing and relationship building via on- and offline social networking
  • Financial information and education
  • Discounts on everyday products and services
  • Access to unique “members only” products and services

“At age 50 more than 75% of the US population has less than $5,000 in retirement savings.” Our founder, Richard Minervino, Sr., discovered this shocking statistic and decided to create Time to Save.

Time to Save is a foundation with a vision and a passion – a world where people of all ages are wise in the ways of money and gain value from their use of it.  A Time to Save membership is free.  We provide our members with personal finance information, education, and cashback on purchases they make with our partners.  The savings is invested by our members to help them prepare and save for their future. Or, it can be donated to the charity or individual of their choice.  We are actively sharing our vision of a world of financially responsible individuals.

Time to Save funds the Dick and Dorrie Minervino foundation, a national 501(c)(3), that is dedicated to creating a world of financially responsible individuals.  We envision a future where people of all ages make wise financial decisions.  We provide personal finance information, education, and savings rewards on purchases made with our retail partners.

We promise to always be readily available for customer service and assist our members with online shopping.  As a member of Time to Save you will gain a renewed sense of comfort in your spending habits.

We are partnered with over 100 charitable organizations and make it easy for our members to make charitable contributions.  In addition, we have committed to using half the funds allocated for philanthropic organizations to military service related causes.  We will continue to evolve the Time to Save website by obtaining and considering the valuable feedback, suggestions, and needs of our members.

We strongly assert that we will always practice complete disclosure and transparency regarding all financial transactions. Our members’ positive experiences are of paramount importance.  We always have their best interests at heart.

We are committed to the financial well-being of our members as they age.  The financial and investment education of our members and merchant partners will always be a top priority.