
On behalf of the members of the National Guard Association of Washington (NGAW), I extend to you an invitation to join us as a corporate partner. We are THE professional association representing the Washington National Guard and serve as the state affiliate of the National Guard Association of the United States, which advocates for the interests of our nation’s defense and Washington’s citizen-soldiers and airmen.

The National Guard’s role in the defense of this country has never been more vital than it is today. Since the attack on America in 2001, the Washington National Guard has served in an ever increasing number of roles including combat missions in Iraq and Afghanistan, a National Guard State Partnership Program with the Kingdom of Thailand and Malaysia, allied overseas deployment training missions around the globe, border security in the Southwest, relief efforts for hurricane victims, and providing critical support during multiple wildfires across our state, floods in western Washington, snow storms in eastern Washington and the devastating State Route 530 Land Slide. Every unit of the Washington National Guard has mobilized and deployed at least once (some two or three times) and 24 Citizen-Soldiers of the Washington National Guard paid the ultimate sacrifice fighting the war on terror to protect this Nation and our freedom.

NGAW seeks to provide a strong united voice from which the needs of our National Guard can be heard. The National Guard offers the most cost-effective alternative for the defense dollar but is facing potential critical shortfalls in defense operating funds in the coming years. During these challenging times for the National Guard and our country, we need your membership more than ever to help us ensure the Washington National Guard remains as strong as possible and that force readiness is not compromised! The Industry Day page lists some suggested levels of membership. I hope that we can we count on your support again this year!

We look forward to working with you to reach our common goal of a stronger Washington National Guard. If you have any questions or need any additional information, please feel free to contact me at (253)584-5411 or email


Amanda Paine

Deputy Executive Director, NGAW